Thursday, October 2, 2008

how knew God cared about parking tickets??

So being the procastinator that I am... I waited until today to buy my parking permit for school.. I should have bought one in august but 200 dollars is alot on top of purchasing books and all the new school supplies so I waited.. anyways.. ON tuesday I got a ticket because my parking permit was NOT up to date.... 25 dollars out the window so my decision was quickly made to make today the day to shell out the 200 bucks... I payed the woman for my permit and she reminded me of the "outstanding" ticket I had just received.. I am thinking to myself O great how can I pay for a ticket that I don't have the money for... ONE more thing to ask mom and dad to pay for when they are already giving me so much... and YOU know what GOD did?? well.. the woman was like... "I will just take that ticket off... your pass likes a little blurry anyway".. and winked at me...

MAN I am head over heals in love with the God that can even make parking tickets disappear!!!!

so... for now... until next time!

1 comment:

Pink Happens said...

this is awesome! God is good!!